Aquawhirler ZENERGIZERProduct no.: 14059Enlivened quality water from your own tap water.
Delivery weight: 0.05 kg
Aquawhirler Alvito Aqua-NEVO InlineProduct no.: 14055Enlivened quality water from your own tap water.
Delivery weight: 0.05 kg
Aquawhirler PiccoloProduct no.: 14052Small Water Whirler in Stainless Steel
Delivery weight: 350 g
Eggy Whirler for VitalizationProduct no.: 12300Water Whirler using the archetype egg shape. Works already at flow rates of 2 liters/minute. Made of stainless steel and Made in Germany
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg
Adapter AD-30 for Eggy WhirlerProduct no.: 14053Adapter AD-30 for Eggy Whirler to 3in1 faucet
Delivery weight: 100 g
Platinumwasser Energizer CartridgeProduct no.: 17203Inline-Filter-Kartusche mit bio-keramischem Resonator zur Energetisierung/Harmonisierung des gefilterten Wassers. Passend für alle Modelle der Serien Umkehrosmose Classic , Umkehrosmose Compact und Umkehrosmose Direct-Flow . Der Einbau erfolgt direkt vor dem Entnahmehahns des Reinstwassers.
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg
Energizer Cartridge BIO1-LProduct no.: 12927Inline-Filter-Kartusche mit bio-keramischem Resonator zur Energetisierung/Harmonisierung des gefilterten Wassers. Passend für alle Modelle der Serien Umkehrosmose Classic , Umkehrosmose Compact und Umkehrosmose Direct-Flow . Der Einbau erfolgt direkt vor dem Entnahmehahns des Reinstwassers.
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg
Gemstone Blend E1Product no.: 15820Gemstone Blend E1 for vitalizing your water. quartz crystal combines with cornelian, rose quartz, red jasper, amethyst, orange calcide The gemstone compilations are placed into the chamber from the Piccolo Aquawhirler or the Whirlin Egg.
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL VIA Edelsteinflasche WellnessProduct no.: 15839VIA gemstone bottle from VITAJUWEL 0,5 liter A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water. Rose Quartz - Amethyst - Berg Crystal
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL VIA Edelsteinflasche 5 ElementsProduct no.: 15840VIA gemstone bottle from VITAJUWEL, 0,5 l A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water.
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL VIA Edelsteinflasche BALANCEProduct no.: 15841VIA gemstone bottle from VITAJUWEL: 0,5 liter A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water: Sodalith - Chalcedon - Bergkristall
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL Phiole BalanceProduct no.: 14111A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water from VitaJuwel!
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL Phiole LoveProduct no.: 15857A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water from VitaJuwel!
Rosenquarz - Granat - Bergkristall
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL Phiole Wellness BasicProduct no.: 15821A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water from VitaJuwel!
Rose Quartz - Amethyst - Berg Crystal
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL gem stone phiole Forever YoungProduct no.: 15852A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water from VitaJuwel!
Aquamarin - Aventurin - Rauchquarz - Bergkristall
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
VITAJUWEL DiamantmischungProduct no.: 15823A noble mixture of gemstones for energizing your water from VitaJuwel!
Raw diamonds - Berg crystal
can be shipped within 3-5 days
Delivery weight: 350 g
Energizer Cartridge BIO1-LProduct no.: 12929Nachrüstset Energetisierung zur Harmonisierung und Belebung des Wassers mit bio-keramischem Resonator
Delivery weight: 0.3 kg
Prices include VAT, plus delivery