Carbonit Active Carbon Filter SanUNO

Product no.: 12718

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Price includes VAT, plus delivery

Delivery weight: 2 kg

Available delivery methods: Customer pickup, Shipment free of charge within Germany, EU - Delivery (except Austria), Delivery to Swiss and Norway, Delivery to Austria

Carbonit Countertop-Water filter to install at the water tap on the sink with special diversion-valve for an easier choice between filtered and unfiltered water.

A drinking enjoyment without carrying heavy water boxes.

The water is cleaned in one step. The filter capacity is limited on big sized molecular connections as for example heavy metalls or bacteria. Small sized molecular connections like nitrate or lime is only filtered in a limited proportion.

The advantage of the Carbonit Countertop-Water filter is a quick and uncomplicated installation, easily with a special perlator directly at the water tap.

The pipe from the filter to the diverter faucet is made of plasticizer-free polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U). 

The clean-water daily output is depending on pressure and temperature up to 120 litres.

Complete device with filter set - Special aerator for the installation on the water tap

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