Replacement filter sets for R.O.-systems from the Wasserhaus Compact Line, PURIELLA, Mobil Typ S, FRITZ, FONTAMEA / CMJ, PIANO, Astroboy
Two pieces Replacement filterset PURIELLA (CM-CS)Product no.: 12855123.00 € *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Replacement filterset RO system FriTZ MobilProduct no.: 1343169.00 € *
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg
Prefilter sediment - activated carbon for CMJProduct no.: 1312559.00 € *
Delivery weight: 0.2 kg
2 pieces - prefilter for CMJ direct flowProduct no.: 13127109.90 € * can be shipped within ca. 8 Wochen days
Delivery weight: 0.5 kg
Replacement filterset RO system Mobil Typ SProduct no.: 1333544.00 € *
Delivery weight: 3 kg
Double Replacement filterset RO system FriTZ MobilProduct no.: 13458129.00 € *
Delivery weight: 0.4 kg
Prices include VAT, plus delivery